JMEC 32 Program Schedule
JMEC Schedule '25~'26
Information Sessions: Information Sessions are a way for potential participants to understand the JMEC program, speak with other potential participants and meet with JMEC Alumni. We highly recommend those interested in the program to attend one of these sessions. Information sessions for the next program: JMEC 32 will be announced HERE .
Phase 1: Training and skills development (Mid November 2025 - beginning of May, 2026)
A series of lectures and workshops, with a strong practical emphasis on Japan market entry and on business planning, conducted by lecturers who are highly respected in their fields in the Japanese and foreign business communities.
Lecture Days: 3rd, 4th & 5th Satruday in November, 1st & 2nd Saturday in December, 2025. Each day begins at 9am and ends at 5:30pm
- Lecture & Workshop Days: 2nd & 3rd Saturday in January 2026. Two Workshops planned, one February and one April. Each day begins at 9am and ends at 5pm
Phase 2: Preparing a business plan (January - May)
Under the guidance of an experienced mentor and a business consultant, each project team, consisting of about 4 or 5 young executives, develops a practical business plan for a project client. The business plan covers strategy, marketing, distribution, finance, organization, human resources and legal issues. The teams are also supported by the Program Director.
- Second week of January: Teams meet with Project Clients and Team Mentor
Phase 3: Judging (May)
Business plans are judged on the basis of both written and oral presentations.
Early May: Judges and Project Clients receive JMEC Business Plan
Last weekend of May: Oral Presentations to JMEC judges
- Last wee of May ~ First week June: Oral Presentations to Project Clients
Phase 4: JMEC Awards Ceremony beginning of June.
Winners are announced and prizes are awarded at this event for over 200 people involved with JMEC.
Participant Application Deadline: October 15, 2025. Click HERE to sign up.
Project Client Application Deadline: November 30, 2025. (Apply by September 30th for early bird discount.) Click HERE to sign up.