FAQs for Companies Considering JMEC
The Japan Market Expansion Competition (JMEC) is a unique concept, and companies that are considering undertaking a project often have many questions. Below is a list of the most common questions asked by potential project clients. For more information, please email info@jmec.gr.jp.
A comprehensive business plan covering a wide range of issues: strategy, marketing, sales, finance, human resources, legal etc. Most importantly, the business plans address YOUR needs in introducing or expanding your product or service in the Japanese market
A lower-cost business plan. The cost to clients is a fraction of the cost required to prepare a business plan with the help of outside consultants.
A team of five to six mid-career, pre-trained professionals who work on your project and your project only, for a period of five months (January to May).
A fresh perspective to the client's business problems, unconstrained by in-house limitations and conventions. The teams have the freedom to think outside the box.
The experience of senior consultants, who review the business plans, and mentors who guide the teams .
Each company must designate a company employee to act as contact (company liaison) for the team throughout the competition. The company liaison will be point of contact for the team throughout the competition.
The company liaison represents the company's interests and concerns and must be able to respond to the team's questions in a timely manner via phone, email or in person, providing the team with the information necessary to prepare a successful business plan.
The company liaison and/or company representatives must be available to conduct a project briefing to the JMEC team mentor by the 10th January and to the JMEC team during the second or third week of January.
Project clients will receive their business plans by the end of May.
The cost to be a JMEC project client is ¥1,500,000.
The first installment of ¥700,000 is due upon acceptance into the program.
The second installment of ¥800,000 is due by December 25th.
Discounts are available to companies that apply and pay by September 30. The early bird discounted rate is ¥1,200,000.
An overseas bank transfer fee will be added to each remittance from overseas.
Fees are not refundable
Click here for the application form.