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Hands-On Business Training in Japan in English

Learn How to Write a Professional Business Plan!

Designed for full-time mid career professionals who want to improve their business planning skills, the JMEC business training programs starts in November with a 7-Saturday lecture series covering topics related to business plan writing and how to do business in Japan. The lectures and workshops are led by senior business executives and successful start-up founders in Japan.

The second part of the program starts in mid January with research, analysis and writing of an actual business plan for a real company. As a participant you are placed onto a team of 4-6 people and paired with a company which is seeking to enter or expand into the Japanese market. You and your JMEC team, supported by a team mentor and team consultant, will spend the next four-five months preparing a business plan for your client. To make it even more interesting and fun this is also a business plan competition. In late May you will therefore present  your plan to a panel of JMEC judges—before presenting it to your client.  It is through this process of 'learning by doing' that you gain experience you can use to advance your career and add further skills to your CV.

View the JMEC 30 Participant Info Sheet with key details and an outline schedule of the program by clicking here. 

The participation fee for the 7-month business program is JPY150,000 and the application deadline is October 31, 2024.

Typical Profile of JMEC Participants

JMEC participants are English-speaking professionals living in Japan who want to improve their business skills, broaden their network and achieve higher career & personal goals. The composition of the class of 50-65 people varies from year to year but the participant profile is typically like this:

> Mid-career professionals in Japan

> 50% Japanese and 50% foreign nationals

> 50% men and 50% women

> Average age: 33-34 years old (range 24-58)

> Typically 15-20 different nationalities represented

> Diverse professional backgrounds


Apply Here: Online Application Form

You find the application form to apply online by clicking here.  It should only take you about 20 minutes to complete. You will also be asked to upload a recent copy of your CV (resume) and a picture of yourself. Admission is on a rolling basis.  Upon acceptance, we will issue an invoice, and upong receipt of your payment, your place is secured.


Join a JMEC Info Session! 

JMEC plans to hold Info session online via zoom and in person. Participation is free of charge, but please register for one of our sessions via below link:  

1. October 24, 2024 - online


2. October 29, 2024 - online
